In his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman introduced me to a life changing shift.
I lead with Fiery Red Energy, I think fast, I decide fast, I move fast and get things done. When I am focussed on a goal, it is just go go go at full speed. Full throttle, get it done, no time to stop.
Sometimes this is a huge asset. I get things done. I go for things without thinking it fully through, meaning sometimes I take a leap of faith. If I didn't think in this way I would never have learnt to ride a motorbike or setup my own coaching business.
At other times it can lead to mistakes. And, when it has come to my business - it has led to me firing on all cylinders since I launched it in 2019. This has still paid off, I have had a stream of clients, both individuals and organisations. I have worked with many fantastic clients and have been motivated and inspired when I have witnessed how much coaching has helped them to transform.
The crazy thing is that my career is in marketing. I know best practice - yet I was moving so fast when it came to by business, I did not apply the most simple principles.
At the end of last year I decided to invest in my own development, in learning about getting the business strategy right. I have joined the most incredible network through Catherine Watkins' Business From the Heart Programme. And I have truly embodied Daniel Kahneman's ethos, sometimes in life, to go fast you need to go slow.
So for me, 2022, is the Year of Getting it Right. I have slowed down. I have decided to become much more focussed on getting one thing really right. Rather than trying one thing after another, with success, but unpredictable success. I have mapped out my next six months of business planning. I have done tons of market research on my ideal client - and now I choose to speak solely to them, and not to everyone. I have created a fabulous Leadership & Communication Workbook people can download. I have a simple, focussed coaching programme. And my USP is how much I use Insights Discovery and DISC behavioural profiling tools to elevate my client's coaching journey.
I've done well just blindly working towards my goal for the last three years. And, I am so excited to see how I can take this to the next level and achieve consistent results, by being focussed, targeted and strategic in my approach. I'll update you in 2023!
To find out more about working with me get in touch